
Server and infrastructure services are the foundational components that enable the operation of software applications and the delivery of digital services.

Server and infrastracture

Server and infrastructure services are the foundational components that enable the operation of software applications and the delivery of digital services. This includes physical and virtual servers, networking, storage, cloud computing platforms, and related technologies used to support IT operations and application deployment.

  • System administration includes software management, user account administration, performance monitoring, and issue resolution.

  • IT support involves fixing users technical issues, such as problems with software, hardware, and networks, providing guidance, and supporting IT services.

  • App deployment involves the process of planning, packaging, distributing, and installing the application onto various servers, devices, or cloud environments.

Server and infrastracture

Server and infrastracture services

Cloud infrastructure and deployment automation
from 4000€ 100€ per hour

Cloud infrastructure and deployment automation

Automate cloud deployment using Terraform. Utilize AWS components (ELB, S3, ECS, SES, CloudFront, CloudWatch, Cognito, Route 53) for high availability. Manage Kubernetes clusters, set up monitoring/logging, integrate secrets with HashiCorp Vault.

Security and compliance solutions
from 3000€ 100€ per hour

Security and compliance solutions

Configure intrusion detection systems (Snort) and Web Application Firewall (ModSecurity). Manage mass mailing solutions and address high spam rates. Automate tasks with Bash scripts. Set up proactive monitoring using Zabbix. Provide Microsoft 365 administration.

Application performance and reliability enhancement
from 3000€ 80€ per hour

Application performance and reliability enhancement

Deploy, service web hosting solutions via Plesk for efficient management. Emphasize reducing maintenance and provider costs, improving app security, increasing app speed, enhancing app reliability, modifying the app for further development, migrating to provider.

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